Theosophical Concepts

The Three theosophical objects

To form a nucleus of the Universal family of of humanity.

To encourage the study of comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science.

To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Theosophical Aspirations

Universal Brotherhood

Unity in Diversity

The Theosophical Society is a worldwide body whose primary objective is to promote Universal Brotherhood without distinction, based on the realization that life and all its diverse forms are indivisibly One.


Freedom of Thought, United by Truth

The Society imposes no belief on its members, who are united by a common search for Truth and desire to learn the meaning and purpose of existence through study, meditation, and service.


No Religion Higher Than Truth

Fueling the Inner Fire

“So long as the double man, i.e., the man of flesh and spirit, keeps within the limits of the law of spiritual continuity, so long as the divine spark lingers in him, however faintly, he is on the road to an immortality in the future state.” ~Isis Unveiled, Volume 1, Page 327



One Source

Behind all such manifestations as light, heat, sound, adhesion, etc., etc., and is the “spirit” of Electricity, which is the Life of the Universe. As an abstraction, we call it the One Life; as an objective and evident Reality, we speak of a septenary scale of manifestation, which begins at the upper rung with the One Unknowable Causality, and ends as Omnipresent Mind and Life immanent in every atom of Matter.


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